Install the SPIRE Server
How to install the SPIRE Server on Linux and Kubernetes
Step 1: Obtain the SPIRE Binaries
Pre-built SPIRE releases can be found on the SPIRE downloads page. The tarballs contain both server and agent binaries.
If you wish, you may also build SPIRE from source.
Step 2: Install the Server and Agent
This introductory guide describes how to install the server and agent on the same node. On a typical production deployment you will have the server installed on one node and one or more agents installed on distinct nodes.
To install the server and agent:
Obtain the latest tarball from the SPIRE downloads page and then extract it into the /opt/spire directory using the following commands:
wget tar zvxf spire-1.11.2-linux-amd64-musl.tar.gz sudo cp -r spire-1.11.2/. /opt/spire/
to your $PATH for convenience:sudo ln -s /opt/spire/bin/spire-server /usr/bin/spire-server sudo ln -s /opt/spire/bin/spire-agent /usr/bin/spire-agent
Step 3: Configure the Server
To configure the server on Linux, you:
- Configure the trust domain
- Configure the server certificate authority (CA), which might include configuring an UpstreamAuthority plugin
- Configure the node attestation plugin
- Configure a default .data directory for persisting data
However, to get a simple deployment up and running for demonstration purposes, you need only go through steps 1, 2, and 3.
To configure the items in steps 1, 2, and 4, edit the server’s configuration file, located in /opt/spire/conf/server/server.conf.
See Configuring SPIRE for details about how to configure SPIRE, in particular Node Attestation and Workload Attestation.
Note that a SPIRE Server must be restarted once its configuration has been modified for changes to take effect.
See Install SPIRE Agents to learn how to install the SPIRE Agent.
How to install the SPIRE Server on Kubernetes
This section walks you step-by-step through getting a server running in your Kubernetes cluster and configuring a workload container to access SPIRE.
Step 1: Obtain the Required Files
To obtain the required .yaml files, clone and copy the .yaml files from the spire-tutorials/k8s/quickstart subdirectory.
Step 2: Configure Kubernetes Namespace for SPIRE Components
Follow these steps to configure the spire namespace in which SPIRE Server and SPIRE Agent are deployed.
Create the namespace:
$ kubectl apply -f spire-namespace.yaml
Run the following command and verify that spire is listed in the output:
$ kubectl get namespaces
Step 3: Configure SPIRE Server
To configure the SPIRE Server on Kubernetes, you:
- Create server service account
- Create server bundle configmap
- Create server configmap
- Create server statefulset
- Create server service
See the following sections for details.
Create Server Service Account
Configure a service account named spire-server by applying the server-account.yaml configuration file:
$ kubectl apply -f server-account.yaml
To confirm successful creation, verify that spire-server appears in the output of the following command:
$ kubectl get serviceaccount --namespace spire
Create Server Bundle Configmap, Role & ClusterRoleBinding
For the server to function, it is necessary for it to provide agents with certificates that they can use to verify the identity of the server when establishing a connection.
In a deployment such as this, where the agent and server share the same cluster, SPIRE can be configured to automatically generate these certificates on a periodic basis and update a configmap with contents of the certificate. To do that, the server needs the ability to get and patch a configmap object in the spire
Create a Configmap named spire-bundle by applying the spire-bundle-configmap.yaml configuration file:
$ kubectl apply -f spire-bundle-configmap.yaml
To confirm successful creation, verify the configmap spire-bundle is listed in the output of the following command:
$ kubectl get configmaps --namespace spire | grep spire
To allow the server to read and write to this configmap, a ClusterRole must be created that confers the appropriate entitlements to Kubernetes RBAC, and that ClusterRoleBinding must be associated with the service account created in the previous step.
Create a ClusterRole named spire-server-trust-role and a corresponding ClusterRoleBinding by applying the server-cluster-role.yaml configuration file:
$ kubectl apply -f server-cluster-role.yaml
To confirm successful creation, verify that the ClusterRole spire-server-trust-role appears in the output of the following command:
$ kubectl get clusterroles --namespace spire | grep spire
Create Server Configmap
The server is configured in the Kubernetes configmap specified in server-configmap.yaml, which specifies a number of important directories, notably /run/spire/data and /run/spire/config. These volumes are bound in when the server container is deployed.
Follow the Configuring SPIRE section for full details on how to configure the SPIRE Server, in particular Node Attestation and Workload Attestation.
Note that a SPIRE Server must be restarted once its configuration has been modified for changes to take effect.
To applying the server configmap to your cluster, issue the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f server-configmap.yaml
Create Server StatefulSet
Deploy the server by applying the configuration server-statefulset.yaml file:
$ kubectl apply -f server-statefulset.yaml
This creates a statefulset called spire-server in the spire namespace and starts up a spire-server pod, as demonstrated in the output of the following two commands:
$ kubectl get statefulset --namespace spire
spire-server 1/1 86m
$ kubectl get pods --namespace spire
spire-server-0 1/1 Running 0 86m
When you deploy the server it automatically configures a livenessProbe on the SPIRE server’s GRPC port, which ensures availability of the container.
When the server deploys, it binds in the volumes summarized in the following table:
Volume | Description | Mount Location |
spire-config | A reference to the spire-server configmap created in the previous step | /run/spire/config |
spire-data | The hostPath for the server’s SQLite database and keys file | /run/spire/data |
Create Server Service
Create the server service by applying the server-service.yaml configuration file:
$ kubectl apply -f server-service.yaml
Verify that the spire namespace now has a spire-server service in the spire namespace:
$ kubectl get services --namespace spire NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE spire-server NodePort <none> 8081:30337/TCP 88m
Where next?
Once you’ve installed the SPIRE Server, consider reviewing the guide on How to install SPIRE Agents.