SPIRE Case Studies
Real world examples of how SPIFFE and SPIRE are being used
Mat describes the principal benefits of migrating from a homegrown service identity issuer to SPIFFE, showing what the team learned in this process.
Presented by Mat Byczkowski at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Presented by Frederick Kautz at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Eric explains how SPIRE is used at GitHub, giving implementation details about agent operation and custom node selectors, making use of the platform-agnostic characteristic of SPIRE.SPIRE.
Presented by Eric Lee at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
This session provides an overview of how Uber uses SPIFFE and SPIRE for workload authentication in a diverse deployment environment.
Presented by Andrew Moore at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Jonathan and Levani explain how SPIFFE and Envoy are used to secure Kafka's client-broker communication by solving common problems such as certificate distribution at large scale.
Presented by Jonathan Oddy and Levani Kokhreidze at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Paul gives a brief description on how Parsec can make use of SPIFFE identities to support multitenancy.
Presented by Paul Howard at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Doron describes a POC work that replaces the Istio Identity issuing Mechanism with SPIRE.
Presented by Doron Chen at SPIFFE Production Identity Day, KubeCon NA 2020 on 17-Nov-2020.
Andreas from QAWare explains how they used SPIRE as the foundation of a secure workload identity management system for a client.
Presented by Andreas Zitzelsberger at KubeCon EU 2018 on 4-May-2018.
Presented by Tyler Julian at KubeCon EU 2019 on 24-May-2019.
Presented by Matthew McPherrin at SPIFFE Community Day on 3-May-2019.
By Jeremy Krach on 23-March-2019.
Presented by Charles Strahan at SPIFFE Community Day on 11-October-2019.
How to use CNCF's SPIFFE and SPIRE projects along with other Cloud Native technologies to build a solid foundation for operating Zero Trust security models.
Presented by Bobby Samuels, Frederick Kautz, Emiliano Berenbaum, and Madhu Wali at Cloud Native Computing Foundation Webinar on 29-Apr-2020.
How the TransferWise financial services company is using SPIRE to move away from shared secrets and easily establish strong trust between software systems running across different domains
Presented by Jonathan Oddy at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
Why ByteDance decided to use SPIRE and how they are deploying SPIRE
Presented by Eli Nesterov at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
How Square deployed SPIRE and Envoy on a bare metal/multicloud hybrid environment
Presented by Matthew McPherrin at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
A brief overview of how GitHub is using SPIRE
Presented by Eric Lee at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
A brief overview of how doc.ai and Anthem are implementing zero-trust authentication using SPIRE
Presented by Frederick Kautz, Bobby Samuel at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
A brief overview of how Frontdoor is using SPIRE
Presented by Domingo Kiser at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
A brief overview of how the open source project Network Service Mesh is integrating SPIFFE/SPIRE
Presented by Ed Warnicke at SPIFFE Community Day on 24-Apr-2020.
You can find more presentations on a variety of topics concerning SPIFFE and SPIRE on our Community Presentations page.